"Don Vincenzo Vitti"
CASTELLANA GROTTE (BA) November 24th - 30th, 2025
Click here to download the pdf of Competition rules.
Art. 1 - The Associazione Musicale "Amici della Musica", under the patronage of the Regione Puglia Assessorato all'Industria Turistica e Culturale, of the Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Castellana Grotte, and of the Società "Grotte di Castellana s.r.l.", announces and organises the 21st International Competition of Musical Execution "Don Vincenzo Vitti" that will take place at the Park Hotel La Grave - Strada Comunale Chiancudd, 1 (zona grotte) - in Castellana Grotte from 24 to 30 November 2025.
Art. 2 - The Competition aims to develop the culture of music, to encourage young people to study music, and to promote the local territory. Competition entry is open to Italians and non-Italians.
Art. 3 - The Competition consists of 10 sections
- Piano
- Strings
- Guitar
- Organ
- Singing
- Wind Instruments
- Accordion
- Chamber music (from duo to quintet, with or without piano, 4-hands piano included)
- Instrumental, vocal and mixed groups
- Composition
Sections 1 - 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 PIANO, STRING, WIND INSTRUMENTS, ACCORDION, GUITAR soloists
Programmes chosen by competitors, maximum length:
A. Born on or after 1st January 2015. 4 minutes.
B. Born on or after 1st January 2013. 6 minutes.
C. Born on or after 1st January 2011. 10 minutes.
D. Born on or after 1st January 2008. 12 minutes.
E. Born on or after 1st January 2005. 15 minutes.
F. Born on or after 1st January 1999. 18 minutes.
G. No age limit. 25 minutes.
Section 4 ORGAN
Programmes chosen by competitors, maximum length:
A. Born on or after 1st January 1999. 15 minutes.
B. No age limit. 25 minutes.
Section 5 SINGING
Programmes chosen by competitors, maximum length:
A. Born on or after 1st January 2001. 10 minutes.
B. No age limit. 15 minutes.
Programmes chosen by competitors, maximum length:
A. Born on or after 1st January 2008. 6 minutes.
B. Born on or after 1st January 2004. 8 minutes.
C. Born on or after 1st January 1998. 15 minutes.
D. No age limit. 20 minutes
Programmes chosen by competitors, maximum length:
A. Born on or after 1st January 2007. 10 minutes.
B. No age limit 15 minutes
N.B. For Sections 7 and 8, the category depends on members' average age.
Section 10 COMPOSITION: "Maria and Saverio Simone Prize"
10 A Composition for solo instrument
10 B Composition for chamber orchestra (max. 4 members)
Categories: Junior (born on or after 1999) Senior (born on or after 1981)
Competitors can enter one or more sections by paying the related entry fees. Documents must be provided in pdf format and sent to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. together with the entry form, identity document and audio file or midi.
Art. 5 - Each competitor can enter one or more sections, but only one single category for each performance section.
Art. 6 - Competitors may enter a category above their actual age group if they feel that their technical and artistic expertise allow this.
Art. 7 - The calendar of the Competition will be published on or after 15th November 2025. Competitors must call the following numbers to obtain information: +39 080 4965207 / +39 335 8189399 / +39 347 7169348
Art. 8 - The application form, as per the attached model, accompanied by the birth certificate on plain paper, together with the registration fee must be sent exclusively by e-mail to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by 31 October 2025.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Art. 9 - Entry fees Non-refundable, to be paid by bank transfer to the current account in the name of the Association "AMICI DELLA MUSICA", at Banca Prossima, Piazza Garibaldi n. 12 - 70013 Castellana Grotte - Ba
IBAN: IT 07 H 03069 09606100000110426
Sections |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
Piano - Strings - Guitar - Wind Instruments - Accordion |
€50.00 |
€50.00 |
€55.00 |
€55.00 |
€60.00 |
€60.00 |
€65.00 |
Organ - Singing |
€55.00 |
€65.00 |
Chamber music |
€35.00 |
€40.00 |
€45.00 |
€50.00 |
Fees per member |
Orchestras - Choirs |
€150.00 |
€170.00 |
Group fees |
Composition |
Junior €50.00 |
Senior €65.00 |
For participants who need it, the competition management provides a piano accompanist. Those wishing to take advantage of this opportunity must indicate this on the registration form, send also in PDF format a copy of the piano part and pay the following additional fees:
Strings and Wind Instruments
Cat. A/B/C/D € 40,00
Cat. E/F € 45,00
Cat. G € 50,00
Cat. A € 45,00
Cat. B € 50,00
Art. 10 - Members of the Jury, whose decision is final and binding, are selected by the organizing committee, and consist of Conservatory teachers, and distinguished concert performers and musicians.
Art. 11 - The jury's decision is final; voting will be in hundredths. The results will be announced live via the competition's social pages at the end of each day and then published.
Art. 12 - Jury members who teach or who have taught one or more competitors in the two years preceding the Competition must declare this at the start of the category and must not participate in the discussion or award a mark to the performances of such competitors.
Art. 13
All competitors awarded a mark of no less than 98/100 will receive an ABSOLUTE FIRST PRIZE.
All competitors awarded a mark of no less than 95/100 will receive a FIRST PRIZE.
All competitors awarded a mark of no less than 90/100 will receive a SECOND PRIZE.
All competitors awarded a mark of no less than 85/100 will receive a THIRD PRIZE.
All competitors awarded a mark of no less than 80/100 will receive a FOURTH PRIZE.
All competitors awarded a mark of no less than 70/100 will receive a Diploma of MERIT.
All competitors not awarded a prize will receive a PARTICIPATION Diploma.
Some Absolute Winners will also receive the following prizes:
Sections |
Cat. |
Prize |
Cat. |
Prize |
Piano |
F |
€300.00 |
G |
€600.00 |
Strings |
F |
€250.00 |
G |
€500.00 |
Wind Instruments |
F |
200.00 |
G |
€400.00 |
Accordion |
F |
200.00 |
G |
€400.00 |
Guidar |
F |
200.00 |
G |
€400.00 |
Organ |
C |
€250.00 |
D |
€500.00 |
Singing |
C |
€200.00 |
D |
€400.00 |
Chamber music |
D |
€700.00 |
Orchestras /Choirs |
B |
€700.00 |
Composition |
A J |
€250.00 |
A S |
€500.00 |
B J |
€250.00 |
B S |
€500.00 |
N. B. The amount of the prizes is intended gross of the deductions provided for by law.
The organisers will, after the conclusion of the competition, send the awarded prizes to all competitors awarded.
Art. 14 The organisers reserve the right to make changes to these regulations if necessary the need arises.
Art. 15 Competition entry implies unconditional acceptance of the present regulations. All legal disputes will be settled under the jurisdiction of the Putignano court.
For further info:
tel. +39 0804965207 / +39 3358189399 / +39 3477169348
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